Painful Ingrown Nails: Is Surgery the Answer?
It’s ingrown nail season again. High impact sports like football and netball are causing some toes to come to grief and cold weather means you’re squeezing your poor feet back into closed shoes. We all know someone who has had a painful in grown nail, or perhaps you have experienced one yourself. If you have sought medical advice about ingrown nails, you may have have been offered advice about having nail surgery. You may be apprehensive about this option. However, benefits of this minor procedure generally out weigh any inconveniences.
Some benefits include:
- Permanent results: There is an accepted regrowth rate of around 10%, but 90% permanent fix rate is pretty good isn’t it?
- Cost effective: Compared with regular ongoing podiatry treatments to keep your nail pain free.
- Pain relief: Minor discomfort for the procedure V.S. ongoing pain and possible need for antibiotics
- Simple and straight forward: Our podiatrists help people like you every week with this minor procedure
- Fast healing time: You’ll be able to walk, drive and do most light normal activities straight away. After three weeks you’ll be back at the gym and dancing again.
- You can wear ALL your favourite shoes again! Well almost : ) What can we say… we’re podiatrists and we care more about your feet than you do. But what the hey! Put those party shoes on again!
You’ll be so much more comfortable after the surgery has been performed. Not only will your feet thank you, but you will be able to enjoy all the pleasures of life again without the pain of your ingrown nail.
We understand that nail surgery may seem a daunting prospect, but it is a minor procedure that our practitioners use every week to permanently relieve the pain of recurring ingrown nails. Our podiatrists understand that you may be a little nervous about needles so we always make sure you are as comfortable as possible.
If nail surgery is not advised or if you want to time your nail surgery between sporting seasons or events we also offer non-surgical options to manage your ingrown nail and keep you comfortable until you are ready to go ahead.
To find out if nail surgery is the option best for you, please contact your friendly Feet First team:
Call 9319 3030 or book online 24/7