Winter Sports

Netball, football, soccer, hockey… High impact sport is fast and fun.

But jumping, twisting and stop-start actions create big stresses on your lower limb joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons.  Foot, ankle and knee injuries are the most common sports injuries and many of these can be prevented with proper warm ups and warm downs, good footwear and correct jumping technique.

Repetitive high impact forces can cause over-use injuries such as heel pain (plantar fasciitis), shin splints, knee pain or Achilles tendinitis. This is especially so for growing children and teenagers or if you have an underlying biomechanical problem.

What to do to keep pain free and in the game this season:

Warm up

Stretch before every practice and game

Gear up

Choose sports shoes with a firm midsole. Spongy, soft soles shoes can increase your instability and risk of injury.

Change sports shoes regularly as the shock absorption is lost with wear. You probably need new sport shoes at least each season or more if you play more than one sport or wear your shoes for other activities like running.

Wear your prescription orthotics for practice and games

Land well

Practice correct landing from jumps. Land on both feet with your weight going through the centre of your ankle and onto the ball of your foot. Flex your ankles, knees and hips to cushion you from high impact on landing.

Warm down

Stretch after every practice and game

Seek help for injury or pain

Your podiatrist will assist in identifying the cause of your pain and help with rehabilitation and prevention of further injury.  DON’T play through pain!

Whatever your passion for fun and fitness this winter… remember to look after your feet.